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This month’s significant number: 76% - DFSIN - SFL

This month’s significant number: 76%

That is the percentage of Canadian investors who agree that responsible investing (RI) can have a positive impact on society and the economy, according to a RIA survey.  

April 26, 2023

The Responsible Investment Association (RIA) recently released its annual opinion survey looking at Canadian individual investors’ views on responsible investing, biodiversity and greenwashing. The results show that investors remain interested in investments that align with their values: one-third of respondents currently have RI or ESG securities in their portfolios (a proportion that rises to 47% for respondents under 35). As well, 73% would like their financial services provider to offer them more information about responsible investing.  

The survey, sponsored by AGF and Desjardins, confirms that ecological awareness is an undeniable reality in the investment world: 74% of respondents are concerned about biodiversity loss and 68% would like to invest in companies that share this concern. As well, 78% of respondents agree that the investment industry needs to increase its regulation of greenwashing and provide closer scrutiny of companies who maintain a façade of environmental responsibility without actually putting it into practice.  


The following sources were used to prepare this article: 
RIA, “2022 RIA Investor Opinion Survey