Our network - DFSIN - SFL
SFL Wealth Management and its counterpart operating outside Quebec and New Brunswick, Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network, form a financial products and services distribution network that focusses on wealth management. We offer personalized assistance to help you meet your wealth management needs through life’s different stages. Whether you’ve got big plans on the horizon or are dealing with a surprise, the 1,500 independent advisors affiliated with our network are there to help you make the right decisions for your finances. You can rely on the strength and reliability of Desjardins, the leading co-operative financial group in Canada, while benefitting from the expertise of our multidisciplinary team and making the most of the freedom you get from our multi-supplier offer.

With you at every stage of your financial life
- Preparing for retirement (planning, unforeseen events, new challenges, etc.).
- Managing your personal taxes and estate (heir protection, asset transfers, donations, etc.).
- Protecting your quality of life (changes in your health, unforeseen events, etc.).
- Adjusting to changes in your family situation (births, dependent minors, blended families, marital status, etc.).
- Optimizing personal finances (going back to school, changing careers, moving, etc.).

Promise and Values
- Protecting and growing your assets.
- Providing you with a concrete plan for the future that includes support from a multi-disciplinary team.
- Recommending the best strategy for addressing all your needs and concerns.
- Connecting you with a skilled financial advisor who will put your assets to work for your well-being.
Your SFL Wealth Management advisor is backed by dedicated professionals and organizations all working together to protect and grow your assets

As at December 31, 2023