Summary of SFL Investments Complaint Handling Procedures

SFL Investments and its advisors take client concerns very seriously. If clients ever have concerns or questions regarding their accounts, they should immediately contact their advisor. Advisors endeavour to provide the highest level of service to their clients and will work with SFL Investments and their clients to resolve any concerns which may arise. If a client is not satisfied with the way a concern is resolved, SFL Investments has procedures in place to fairly and promptly handle any written or verbal complaint received from clients. This is a summary of these procedures, which we provide to new clients and clients who have filed a complaint.

Client complaint information form

We also provide new clients and clients who make a complaint with the Client Complaint Information Form (CCIF) that provides general information about their options for making a complaint.

How to file a complaint with SFL Investments

Clients wishing to complain to SFL Investments may file their complaint with our head office by contacting a SFL Investments Dispute Resolution Advisor through our Client Service by phone at 1-877-647-5435 or by mail at 1150 rue de Claire-Fontaine St., Quebec City, Quebec G1R 5G4. They can also contact any branch manager or their advisor. All complaints are forwarded to qualified compliance or supervisory personnel for handling. We encourage clients to make their complaint in writing, by mail or by e-mail where possible. If clients have difficulty putting their complaint in writing, they should advise us so that we can provide assistance. For confidentiality reasons, we will only deal with the client or another individual who has the client’s express written authorization to deal with us.

Complaint handling procedures

We will acknowledge receipt of complaints promptly, generally within five business days. Our initial acknowledgement will include copies of this summary and the CCIF. We review all complaints fairly, taking into account all relevant documents and statements obtained from the client, our records, the advisor, other personnel members and any other relevant source. Once our review is complete, we provide clients with a written response. Our response may be an offer to resolve the complaint, a denial of the complaint with reasons or another appropriate response. Our response will summarize the complaint and our findings and will include a reminder about the client’s options with the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments. We will generally provide our response within 90 calendar days, unless we are waiting for additional information from the client, or if the case is novel or very complicated. We will respond to communications sent by the client after the date of our response to the extent necessary to implement a resolution or to address any new issues or information the client provides.

Bank Products

For complaints related to bank products (for example guaranteed investment certificates or high interest savings accounts of banks), clients can also file their complaint with the bank in accordance with its complaint handling process available on its website or on the search tool of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, accessible at the following link: Complaint-handling process search tool - (


If we offer the client a financial settlement, we may ask him/her to sign a release and waiver for legal reasons.

Contacting SFL Investments

Clients may contact us at any time to provide further information or to inquire as to the status of their complaint by communicating with the individual handling their complaint or the SFL Investments Dispute Resolution Advisor through our Client Service at 1-877-647-5435.